(BLYTH*10) – author of the variety and the year of introduction,
SEASON: VE, E, EM, M, ML, L, VL ; Very Early, Early, Early Midseason, Midseason,Late Midseason, Late, Very Late
102 – The height of the flower stalk
HM, AM, WM, DM - Awards and the year of awarding (the most prestigious – DM –the Dykes Medal, it's given to the one variety in a year)
SDB Standard Dwarf Bearded (under 21-40 cm)
MDB Miniature Dwarf Bearded (under 20 cm),
ІВ Intermediate Median Bearded (under 41-70 cm),
Border Bearded (under 41-70 cm)>
Standards –(B)
Falls – (Н) lower petals;
Beard –(Б);
Plicata – the borders of the leaves are covered by the tiny spots